Gout Bio Zym 0.5/1/5 liter

Zym is a powerful medium enhancer. The enzymes in Zym swiftly convert dead root matter to minerals and sugars. These are invaluable nutrients for both the plant and the bacteria that live near its roots and that protect the plant against fungal disease. On top of this, the swift degradation of dead matter caused by Zym effectively prevents rotting and the emergence of pathogenic fungi. In addition, Zym releases the medium of leftover salts and redundant matter, so it can be used repeatedly without any problems.




1:1000 / 1:2000

100% Organic



Zym is a powerful medium enhancer. The enzymes in Zym swiftly convert dead root matter to minerals and sugars. These are invaluable nutrients for both the plant and the bacteria that live near its roots and that protect the plant against fungal disease. On top of this, the swift degradation of dead matter caused by Zym effectively prevents rotting and the emergence of pathogenic fungi. In addition, Zym releases the medium of leftover salts and redundant matter, so it can be used repeatedly without any problems.


Components: Various enzymes and vitamins from fermented extracts of plants and algae that fully absorb the micro organisms.


Application on soil: Apply on plants in their vegetative stage and plants in their flowering stage, and after cultivation to enable multiple use.


Application on hydroponic systems: Apply on plants in their vegetative stage and plants in their flowering stage, and use to rinse the medium during and/or after cultivation to enable multiple use.


Dosage: To rinse use 100 millilitres in 100 litres of water. To add to nutrition use 50 mililitres in 100 litres of water. Zym is produced according to OECD 301 B and all components meet the standards described in (EU) 834/2007 and 889/2008 annex II of organic farming.


Shake vigorously before use.


Available in quantities: 0.5, 1 and 5 liters.

Gout Bio Zym 0.5/1/5 liter